An Image Registration Technique To Enhance PCB Inspe...
Created: 2012-05-11 01:56:19
Mohd Saberi
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
is well k*atm that renl PCB inuge inipieetio* bwal 0n rclerential ap:
proaches foces misalignment problems in detecting delects betwecn a template imoge arul
a ilefectiae image. Hence, o reliable image registrtion techniqre is needed to aligt, these
two irnages per{utly. Henre, a rqistrution trch*irye uhich inaryorvtes affme trcnsformotion
anil bi-cubic interynlation has been prcposed. Etperimental rcsults haae shown
that this regishation techniqte is suitoble to be employei to obt...
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