File Entry: Anthropology and Parallelism: The Individual as a Universal

Created: 2009-11-15 19:52:10
Information Version 1 (of 1)

Version created on: 2009-11-15 19:52:10

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It is difficult to define perspective within sets that are self belonging. For example in the study of man­kind, anthropology, both men and their studies fall into the same category that contains the topic out­line. This situation entails a universal quality of uniqueness, an instance of it, to the topic of anthropo­logy that may be viewed in parallel with the topic of nature as the set of unique particulars. Yet one might assent to the notion in the inclusive study of man, anthropology, that nothing in its’ content should conceivably be construed to exceed it, though in approaches to the topic, reference to the topic of nature, unavoided, refer to the scientific topic of nature in which contemporary notions, when cont­rasted, exceed the perceptual experience of nature. In this presentation problems in approaches and in the application of available tools for analysis to the study of man will be discussed. Framed with respect to a concept of parallelism, notions and stimuli are introduced to augment and reorient towards a more creative perspective with respect to the organization of first perspective considera­tions in studies. The theories of relativity, the idea of mathematical relations for simultaneous events, the presence of artifactual paradoxes as they are reflected in thinking and the scientific tools applied towards investigations are discussed and hopefully highlighted so that they may hopefully be perceived distinctly from realities involved in the pursuit of studies.<o:p></o:p>

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