File Entry: Uniqueness , Self Belonging and Intercourse in Nature
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Title | Uniqueness , Self Belonging and Intercourse in Nature |
File name | 08 22 2009 uniqueness and self brlonging 180 .pdf |
File size | 283148 |
SHA1 | 65149669ddd5b4379c57d859a82a723372df3802 |
Content type | Adobe PDF |
<font>The world is discussed and framed so that it does not evolve divisions alike the conceptual division between Special and General Relativity in which emerged divides are suggested to be parallel to and emerged from paradoxes of mind-matter, the self and nature. Of all of the potential properties of the unique Universe, emergence, affinity, self avoidance , etc., self belonging is never a characteristic of unique and energy metabolizing spaces/entities. A list of sets of unique things can contain itself. It is suggested that in descriptions of nature only sets of unique concepts can contain themselves. The list of self belonging things involves only the conceptual and unique in contrast to the physical scientific object; the list of non self belonging things is necessarily a list of the physical, though all physical entities are also, as in the conceptual, unique with respect to exact identity in time and space. Ontological classification, a concept - i.e. the set of validly applied concepts with respect to the physical is argued to also be unique. The world in this model, divided into the self belonging and the non-self belonging, composed totally of uniquenesses is proposed to entail a physical and conceptual form as an egg shape derived from an equation; more generally any rendition that generates volume from a linear path and renders a one to one correspondence of the physical to the conceptual. A paper experiment scheme that tests creativity for the ability to construct proper topics/and object categories for research endeavors is elucidated, as Natures' set, as a guide in experimental pursuits. Creativity to identify a unique object form that is instantiatable both conceptually and physically to nature or its' subsets can be applied to guide research pursuits. Universal uniqueness and self belonging in systems is proposed to occur only when the form of the conceptual and form of the physical become interchangeable. It is witnessed pronouncedly in the presented sample of an intraspecies capacity to alternate between live birth and egg laying as a means of reproduction. The paradox rendering entity, the egg shape. The egg shape is transposed as the ubiquitous and central facet of the system.</font>
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