File Entry: Chronic Hepatitis (Chc), Viral Polymerase Nucleotide Inhibitor & Process Patents Review and Evaluation, Preparation of Sofosbuvir

Created: 2019-10-12 11:22:31
Information Version 1 (of 1)

Version created on: 2019-10-12 11:22:31

Information Description

Sofosbuvir is a viral polymerase nucleotide inhibitor that was approved in December
2013 by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in January 2014
by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of HCV infection [1]. The WHO
Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection
recommend sofosbuvir in combination with ribavirin in genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4 HCV
infection, either with or without pegylated interferon (depending on the HCV genotype)
[2]. Sofosbuvir in combination with ribavirin is the first interferon-free HCV treatment.
The fact that sofosbuvir is all oral simplifies the treatment and will allow expansion in
low resource settings with poor health infrastructure.
a. The objective of this paper identify the most relevant process patents with
respect to the medicines.
b. Identify in which countries these patents have been filed and granted.
This Article study mainly find numerous patents relating to preparation of Sofosbuvir.
These patents will cover different aspects and innovations around the same product. Not
all however are equally relevant, as many will cover variations or production processes
but would not prevent somebody else to produce the medicine, e.g. by using a different

Received: September 27, 2019
Published: October 10, 2019
Citation: Krishna Sarma Pathy. Chronic
Hepatitis (Chc), Viral Polymerase
Nucleotide Inhibitor & Process Patents
Review and Evaluation, Preparation of
Sofosbuvir. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 21(5)-
2019. BJSTR. MS.ID.003667.
Keywords: Chronic Hepatitis (Chc),
Viral Polymerase Nucleotide Inhibitor &
Process Patents Review and Evaluation,
Preparation of Sofosbuvir

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