File Entry: Krishnasarma Pathy* DOI: 10.19080/OAJT.2018.02.555593 Epidemic Flu Viruses & the influenza a virus subtypes H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2, HDFx

Created: 2018-03-09 08:06:21
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Version created on: 2018-03-09 08:06:21

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Epidemic Flu Viruses & the influenza a virus subtypes H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2, HDFx
Krishnasarma Pathy*
Head of QC/QA, IPL Research Centre, India
Submission: October 31, 2017; Published: March 07, 2018
*Corresponding author: Krishnasarma Pathy, Head of QC/QA, IPL Research Centre, India, Tel: 9919188895,
Open Acc J of Toxicol. 2018; 2(4): OAJT.MS.ID.555593 (2018)
Mini Review
The history of flu viruses teaches that the influence has origin from animal’s birds, generically aquatic, and then transferred to man through the leap into pigs. The promiscuity of the herds, as it is in use in Asia, determines this transition and then the spread. The Spanish influence (1918, H1N1), the one from Asia (1957, H2N2), that of Hong Kong (1968, H3N2) and soon have had this origin [1].
The strains common in some years may have also relations with those of other years. The person’s mostly old people have antibodies directed towards the antigens more important of the strains with which they were in contact. With the progress of the age it is a broader spectrum immunity that is reflected in antibodies polyvalent made through the contact with many antigens primary and secondary present in strains that they
meet during the following years. But each contact following with
a flu virus of type A involves not only specific antibodies, but also
an increase in those directed towards the strain responsible for the first flu infection of the subject (phenomenon of Davenport or doctrine of original sin). In this way, the immunization to a particular strain, spread in a certain period, involves progressively increasing difficulty in its further distribution and creates the selective advantage, for some variant of the virus, to multiply and spread. The new strains will be in conditions of an increase in visitors, regardless of whether they have or not an immunologic experience with the previous strains. As a result of that, shortly after the appearance of a new type, the old forms will disappear and the new family will become dominant for a period which in general covers 10-20 years, in which there is, for the emergence of minor antigenic variation, the subdivision in various subtypes. The outcrops of a new epidemic strain may, therefore, be regarded as a process of development interesting
For the emergency created by the epidemic of influence of the pigs in Mexico it was correct not to create alarmisms being victims of a bad information. The possibility that the virus arrives in other parts of the world is real as for all the types of influence virus. In order that a strain has a wide distribution, its antigenic characteristics must ensure that it escapes the neutralization of antibodies of the host and of the surrounding population. The discovery of a new, biologic Host-Defense protein, “HDFx”, may provide a unique way to ameliorate and prevent the “cytokine storms” and haemorrhages seen in severe influenza infections. The influenza A virus subtypes H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 are prevalent in pig populations worldwide. All scientific data point towards swine as the key host species for new human influenza pandemics, which have been suggested to evolve in pigs from viral genes of avian, human and porcine origin. Therefore, it is of major importance torecord the evolution of swine influenza viruses in pigs, and in particular monitor hallmarks of adaptation to humans. The scope of this paper was to increase the understanding of the genetics of Swine Influenza Virus (SIV), and to investigate the importance of different viral gene markers in association with differences in pathogenicity of two viruses of H1N2 subtype in pigs. The results from this study demonstrate, for the first time, natural reassortment in H1N2 viruses in the pig populations of Sweden as well as in india.
So the outbreaks will happen with those strains that have dominant antigens that fit the deficiency, or better, the abscences of antibody in the population. It seems, in conclusion that the flu virus showes an ability and an aptitude for survival built on the possibility of émergence of new models that allow the virus being confused easily through populations still partly immune to previous antigenic forms. According to this view, the changes in the influenza A can be designed in single meaning, in the context of a principle and of an evelutionary progress, from Burnet said immunological drift or steering immunology. The antiviral drugs (inhibitors of the neuraminidasis, receptor of the virus surface) should be assumed within 48 hours by the appearance of the influence symptoms and for the subjects that have had a close contact with people infected by the flu virus. The vaccination against the influence is the most effective method to prevent the illness. From the moment that we find the isolation of a new flu virus, we must wait for the preparation of a new specific vaccine that will be ready for the next influence season in Autumn.
Keywords: Virus; Influenza; Flu; Avian; Swine

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