Especiación de metales en sedimentos del río Cuchive...
Created: 2016-11-25 14:51:19
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
The total concentration and the chemical forms of heavy metals were determined insuperficial sediments of the Cuchivero river, Venezuela, using sequential extraction andatomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame. Pollution indices were used to study thedistribution, pollution and environmental risk in the sediments. Total values ranged from,394-457 mgkg-1 Fe, 46,87-74,82 Mn, 6,45-11,92 Zn, 1,70-5,75 Ni, 0,39-3,7 Cu, 1,25-3,63Cr, 0,37-1,82 Co, 0,10-0,30 Cd y <Ld-0,20 mgkg-1 Pb. The meta...
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