File Entry: Rserve on Bio-Linux
| Version History | Comments (0) |
Title | Rserve on Bio-Linux |
File name | n |
File size | 1 |
SHA1 | adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc |
Content type | Trident (Package) |
The recommended way to run Rserve on Bio-Linux is to install the "r-cran-rserve" package - ie:
$ sudo apt-get install r-cran-rserve
(Note - this wasn't working on the morning of the 13th but has now been fixed in version 1.7-3-0biolinux2)
If you install the library by using install.packages("Rserve") it will work but it will not get updated and will mask the system version of Rserve, which could cause you hard-to-diagnose problems down the line. My recommendation is to remove these manually installed versions and stick with the packaged version. Use this command:
$ find ~/R/*/3.0 /usr/local/lib/R -name Rserve -prune
Whatever directories you see listed can be removed from the system. The version installed by r-cran-rserve will have gone in /usr/lib/R/site-library.
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