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Workflow ConcatStringTogether (1)

 This workflow is as simple as you can imagine! It can be used to remove the information tags in a fasta file and concat the sequence together   fastaURL :  the input fasta reads file location seqURL : the outcome sequence file location wholeSeq : the output sequence as an entire string

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User BioCo Consultants

Workflow generateWholeSeqAnnotation (1)

 This work flow is used for genereating all the known genes together to annotate a whole or a large region of genome sequence.   outputfilrURL:  the location of the output file Ginumber:   the input gi gene number wholeGenomeSeq:    the whold sequence annotation information output:    the output of genbank text

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User BioCo Consultants

Workflow Get top blastx hit of a list of contigs (1)

This workflow takes a contigs.fasta file , gets all the ORF's present in it , runs blastx on each ORF, gets the FASTA file of the top blastX hit and its GI number.

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User BioCo Consultants


Workflow FINAL VERSION (1)

 From genome to genbank file and annotations Manual and documentation at:

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User Georgeg9 Network-member BioGreen Ltd.

Attributions: Workflow Convert to KEGG ID Workflow NCBI Gi to Kegg Pathways Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST Workflow EBI_InterproScan_NewServices


Workflow Run on amazon cloud (1)

 Execute commands on amazon cloud machines Manual and documentation at:

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User Georgeg9 Network-member BioGreen Ltd.


Workflow Search for Gene Expression Images using an... (1)

This is a simple workflow demonstrating how to integrate multiple linked data sources using restful services in Taverna. In this workflow it first searches for all possible gene names for a query gene from FlyBase repository, an authorative genetic database for Drosophila research, and then it uses returned gene names to search for gene expression images from Oxford FlyTED image repository. Two Restful services were used: One for retrieving all flybase features matching a querying ge...

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-08

Credits: User Junzhao


Workflow Get Alternative Gene Names for a Drosophil... (1)

This is a simple workflow testing running a restful service in Taverna. This restful service{name} is part of the flykit/flybase services, which is built using the Talis Puelia Linked Data API ( We want to use this simple workflow to test the idea of bridging linked data and scientific workflows using Restful services. A test input gene name...

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User Junzhao


Workflow Get FlyTED Gene Expression Images for a Ge... (1)

This is a simple workflow testing running a restful service in Taverna. This restful service{probe} is part of the flykit/flyted services, which is built using the Talis Puelia Linked Data API ( We want to use this simple workflow to test the idea of bridging linked data and scientific workflows using Restful services. A test input gene name can ...

Created: 2012-05-04 | Last updated: 2012-05-04

Credits: User Junzhao

Workflow GetCities2 (1)

 Get cities by entering a country name

Created: 2012-05-03 | Last updated: 2012-05-03

Credits: User Xiaoxiaoshijie


Pack Presentation - Research on the Web: The Rise of New ...

Created: 2012-04-21 11:26:22 | Last updated: 2012-05-15 09:51:35

  Title: Research on the Web: The Rise of New Digital Scholarship Speaker: David De Roure Event: WEBIST 2012 Event URI: Location: Porto, Portugal Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 Formats: .pptx    

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