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Workflow feat FSL group analysis (1)

This workflow is to be run on results obtained from this one (couldn't manage to find a clean solution for merging those two in Scufl). Processor "feat_group": 1. builds the experiment intput (design) file from template and input parameters 2. calls feat FSL Processor "roi" reads activation maps produced by feat_group, extract a region of interest and compute the mean, stdev, max and min activation within it. Here is a sample input in VBrowser's XML dialect. Below is...

Created: 2009-01-28 | Last updated: 2009-01-28

Credits: User Glatard

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Multi Merge (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a multi merge that invokes C after each invocation of A or B.

Created: 2009-01-19 | Last updated: 2009-01-19

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Structured Synchronizin... (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a structured synchronizing merge that invokes either A or B or A and B and merges to one branch afterwards.

Created: 2009-01-19

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow TextGrid: Test workflow (on ingrid) (1)

Test workflow that invokes CRUD read on ingrid.

Created: 2008-12-17

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow TextGrid: Test workflow (2)

This is a first test workflow that demonstrate, how to use the GWES for a document-style Web Service within TextGrid.

Created: 2008-12-17

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Multi Choice (OR Split) (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of a multi choice (OR Split) that invokes either A or B or A and B.

Created: 2008-12-09

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel

Workflow Workflow Pattern - Exclusive Choice (XOR-S... (2)

This workflow is a GWorkflowDL representation of an exclusive choice (XOR Split) that invokes either A or B. This workflow is equivalent to the following pseudo code: x = XOR_Split; if (x=="true") { end_A = A(x); } else { end_B = B(x); }

Created: 2008-12-09

Credits: User Andreas Hoheisel


Workflow hierarchical microarray clustering (1)

To illustrate our caGrid plug-in’s application, we tested it with a microarray hierarchical clustering workflow that involves services hosted at multiple institutions. Microarrays are a high-throughput technology used to measure the expression of tens of thousands of genes in different tissues or cells. Scientists represent the data from each microarray via a vector (profile) in which each element represents a gene’s expression level. They use clustering analysis to identify sim...

Created: 2008-12-05 | Last updated: 2008-12-05

Credits: User Wei Tan


Workflow Reaction Enumeration Workflow (1)

This workflow performs a reaction enumeration. Therefore it loads a generic reaction rxn file and two educt lists. This SD-Files contains molecules for the enumeration. The products of the enumerated reaction are stored as Mol Files and a PDF will be created which contains the product molecules.

Created: 2008-11-22

Credits: User Thomasku

Attributions: Workflow Reaction Enumeration Workflow


Workflow Reaction Enumeration Workflow (1)

This workflow performs a reaction enumeration. Therefore it loads a generic reaction rxn file and two educt lists. This SD-Files contains molecules for the enumeration. The products of the enumerated reaction are stored as Mol Files and a PDF will be created which contains the product molecules.

Created: 2008-11-21

Credits: User Thomasku

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