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Workflow AIT Matchbox Scenario All (1)

In this scenario matchbox will find duplicates in passed digital collection. All matchbox workflow steps are executed automatically in one turn. User will get a list of duplicates in result. Matchbox in this scenario is installed on remote Linux VM. Digital collection is stored on Windows machine.

Created: 2012-11-24 | Last updated: 2012-11-24

Credits: User Roman Network-member SCAPE


Workflow Finding the origins of Solar Wind events a... (6)

This gives a comprenhensive overview of high speed solar wind events (CME or CIR) seen at Eart, by obtaining the maximum in-situ measure velocity from the data evaluation service (DES), propagating the even backwards to Earth using the HELIO processing service (HPS) and SHEBA propagation model, and search whether halo CMEs or CHs were observed on that time, and retrieves, besides all the previous information, a context solar wind plot (+/- 1 day) and a URL linking to a context movie for CMEs...

Created: 2012-11-16 | Last updated: 2013-03-21

Credits: User David PS

Attributions: Workflow CME backwards propagation Workflow Co-rotating Interaction Regions backwards propagation Workflow HFC Synoptic map from date Workflow CDAW CME movie from date Workflow Solar Wind properties and plot Workflow Back CIR-CME propagation model Workflow LASCO_CME_QUERY


Pack Presentation - End-to-End Semantics

Created: 2012-11-12 15:28:38 | Last updated: 2012-11-13 00:35:30

Keynote talk by David De Roure at SSN workshop at ISWC 2012, Boston, 12 November 2012 In many respects the music industry has gone digital "end-to-end", with success stories in Semantic Web adoption. Science too is dealing with a "digital turn" and the R&D community is active with Semantic Web.  Meanwhile the Semantic Sensor Network workshop series has demonstrated the applicability of Semantic Web approaches in the sensor network domain. Looking to the future,...

4 items in this pack

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Workflow ImportRefSeqtoKegg (3)

This workflow extracts a column of RefSeq gene IDs from a CSV file and then converts them to Kegg gene identifiers. This workflow uses the new KEGG REST service, which replaces the old SOAP interface from 31st December 2012

Created: 2012-11-12 | Last updated: 2013-01-08

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft


Pack Presentation - Knowledge Infrastructure for Global S...

Created: 2012-11-10 07:47:48 | Last updated: 2012-11-10 09:04:05

 Presentation at the First Open Global Systems Science Conference, Brussels, 8-10 November 2012 Related blog post

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 254 times | Downloaded: 5 times

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Workflow Metamining: Create classifiers (1)

 Uses mined patterns to learn rule model for metamining purposes.

Created: 2012-11-06 | Last updated: 2012-11-06

Workflow Split data for cross-validation (1)

 Splits given dataset into 10 folds almost equal in size using stratified sampling.

Created: 2012-11-06 | Last updated: 2012-11-06

Workflow Metamining: mine patterns (1)

 Workflow to be used for mining patterns with Fr-ONT-Qu in dataset using DMOP vocabulary.

Created: 2012-11-06 | Last updated: 2012-11-06

Project Biovel

Blob Matrix Population Modelling documentation

Created: 2012-11-05 16:32:34 | Last updated: 2012-11-07 09:01:58

Credits: User Jon Giddy User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Gerard Oostermeijer

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This document describes the Matrix Population Modelling workflow, and includes a tutorial on its use.

File type: Adobe PDF

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 116 times | Downloaded: 99 times

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Workflow Bootstrap of observed census transitions. (3)

This workflow calculates bootstrap distributions of population growth rates (?), stage vectors, and projection matrix elements by randomly sampling with replacement from a stage-fate data frame of observed transitions. The goal of a demographic analysis is very often to estimate lambda, because lambda is estimated from imperfect data, such estimation are uncertain. Therefore, when the results have policy implications it is important to quantify that uncertainty. Confidence interval is one of ...

Created: 2012-11-05 | Last updated: 2014-07-24

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer

Attributions: Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and analysis v20 Blob Stage Matrix of Gentiana pneumonanthe 1987-88

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