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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Analyze promoters (GTRD) (1)

This workflow is designed to search for putative transcription factor binding sites, TFBS, on the promoters of an input gene set.As input, any gene or protein table can be submitted. The input table contains genes under study, and it is called “Yes” set.At the first step, the input table is converted into a table with Ensembl Gene IDs.At the next step, promoters are analyzed for potential cis-regulatory sites. Promoters in this workflow are defined as sequences from -1000 to +100 ...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Analyze any DNA sequence for site enrichment (1)

This workflow is designed to reveal TFBS  enrichment in any DNA sequence.  As input, any sequence collection in FASTA, EMBL or GeneBank format can be used. Yes and No sequence sets can be specified in the corresponding input fields.  As input, DNA sequences of any organisms and from any genome regions can be taken.At the first step Yes and No sequences are subjected to Site search on track analysis using the profile of positional weight matrices specified in the input form. The...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Mapping to ontologies (Gene table) (1)

This workflow is designed to classify an input gene set to several ontologies and to identify terms, hits for which are overrepresented in the input set. The input file can be any gene or protein table.At the first step, the input table is converted into a table with Ensembl Gene IDs.This table with Ensembl Gene Ids is subjected to functional classification, which is done in parallel by the following ontologies: GO biological processes, GO cellular components, GO molecular functions, Reactome...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Compute differentially expressed genes (1)

This workflow is designed to identify up-regulated, down-regulated and non-changed genes for experimental data with three and more data points for each experiment and control.  As input, normalized data with any types of IDs (Ensembl, gene symbols, EMBL, RefSeq) can be submitted.In the next step, p-values for up- and down-regulated probes are calculated for all probes using the “Up and Down Identification” analysis. This analysis applies Student’s T-test for p-value cal...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow ChIP-Seq - Identify and classify target genes (1)

This workflow identifies and classifies target genes using positional information of peaks found by ChiP-Seq approach. As input, the peak regions in BED format, can be submitted. Actually, any dataset in BED format can be submitted as input track for this workflow.First, the track file is converted into a gene set using Track to gene set analysis. The Ensembl gene list is then annotated with additional information, gene descriptions and chromosomal location.The annotated Ensembl genes are sub...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Analyze any DNA sequence, GeneBank (1)

This workflow is designed to analyze a DNA sequence for potential binding sites. Sequences should be in GeneBank format.What is the geneXplain type?The geneXplain platform is an online toolbox for a broad range of bioinformatic and systems biology applications. It is developed by geneXplain GmbH. The technology behind the geneXplain platform is BioUML (, which has been built, improved and supported for many years at the Institute of Systems Biology in Novosibirsk. The individua...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Analyze any DNA sequence, Fasta (1)

This workflow is designed to analyze a DNA sequence for potential binding sites. Sequences should be in Fasta format.What is the geneXplain type?The geneXplain platform is an online toolbox for a broad range of bioinformatic and systems biology applications. It is developed by geneXplain GmbH. The technology behind the geneXplain platform is BioUML (, which has been built, improved and supported for many years at the Institute of Systems Biology in Novosibirsk. The individual w...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Analyze any DNA sequence, EMBL (1)

This workflow is designed to analyze a DNA sequence for potential binding sites. Sequences should be in EMBL format.What is the geneXplain type?The geneXplain platform is an online toolbox for a broad range of bioinformatic and systems biology applications. It is developed by geneXplain GmbH. The technology behind the geneXplain platform is BioUML (, which has been built, improved and supported for many years at the Institute of Systems Biology in Novosibirsk. The individual wo...

Created: 2013-11-13 | Last updated: 2015-04-17

Credits: User geneXplain

Workflow Imagemagick convert - tiff2tiff - compression (1)

Converts tiff to tiff using imagemagick convert with the provided compression

Created: 2013-11-08

Credits: User Markus Plangg


Workflow MatchboxHadoopAPI (1)

The workflow MatchboxHadoopApi.t2flow enables using of matchbox tool on Hadoop with Taverna. This workflow is based on Python scripts and Hadoop Streaming API included in"pythonwf" folder of pc-qa-matchbox project on github ( this workflow we assume that digital collection is located on HDFS and we have a list of input files in format "hdfs:///user/training/collection/00000032.jp2" - one ro...

Created: 2013-11-05

Credits: User Roman Network-member SCAPE

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