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Project Biovel

Workflow show_test_results (4)

Displays test results (ROC curve and confusion matrix) on an interface, allowing users to decide to continue the workflow or not.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow biostif_show_projections (4)

Displays model projections and points in the BioSTIF web interface (requires previous upload steps).

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow configure_external_test (5)

Displays an interface allowing configuration of external test. Currently can be used to skip external test or run a cross validation procedure. In the later case, it is possible to specify the number of replicates, if AUC should be calculated, if confusion matrix should be calculated (using either a fixed threshold or lpt - lowest precision threshold).

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-04-04

Project Biovel

Workflow parse_csv_points (4)

Parses csv content with species occurrence points in the DarwinCore archive format, determining column indexes and returning the records as a list of points in openModeller format (XML). No distinction is made between presences or absences.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-11-18

Project Biovel

Workflow biostif_upload_points (5)

Uploads species occurrence points to BioSTIF server.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-10-24

Project Biovel

Workflow select_matching_layers (5)

Displays an interface where users can select matching layers (same variables) based on the labels of previously selected layers. This is typically needed when projecting a model into a different scenario, where the same variables selected for model creation need to be used on a different chronologic or geographic context. The interaction page may optionally include a label field.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow biostif_upload_raster (4)

Uploads a raster from a given URL to a BioSTIF server, from where it can be displayed through the BioSTIF web interface.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow project_model (9)

Projects a model based on the specified parameters.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

Workflow Workflow of IFC data collection, crowd mod... (3)

Simulation workflow for crowd modeling in building. It combines all the components needed for crowd simulation (CAD/BIM data collection, crowd modeling, crowd simulation and 3D visualization). This version cannot be executed as is due to local tools dependancies (the components in yellow). The lattest version is available in

Created: 2013-12-18 | Last updated: 2014-06-24

Project Biovel

Pack BayesianPhylogeneticInference

Created: 2013-12-11 13:40:50 | Last updated: 2014-05-19 13:01:14

The family propose different steps to perform a bayesian phylogenetic inference

8 items in this pack

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