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Showing 6 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.
Tag: pywps User: Jorgejesus Licence: by-sa

Workflow r.stats workflow for pixel statistics (1)

r.stats operation for image. Output will group pixels by: DN, total area, relative %. This worflow is used inside the ice Class exampel as a nested workflow

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow Point coordinate projection transformation (1)

Point coordinate transformation. Hard coded example of transformation from 4326 (lat/long) to 32630 (UTM 30N) for 3 points in the UK. The service is called once at the time, just to test the list interactor, since the service could work with a list of points. Metadata: Library: gdaltransform

Created: 2011-09-16 | Last updated: 2011-09-16

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow Voronoi polygon generation using GRASS-GIS... (1)

Generic example on how to deal with vectorial data. Major pitfall is the need to process ProcessOutputs using Xpath plugin. A random point file in GML 2.1.2 is sent to the v.voronoi service and after it is sent to a service that runs v.out.svg generating a SVG image that can be rendered in Taverna (need to set output to SVG image)

Created: 2011-04-27 | Last updated: 2011-04-27

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow GRASS-GIS orchestration using pyWPS (2)

Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation:output=(if(a>10,a,null())) Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation: output=(if(a>10,...

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-25

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow Async WPS example (2)

Example on how to work with an async service, where the statusURL is used to check for Example on how to work with an async service, where the statusURL is used to check for if the process has finished or not

Created: 2010-11-04 | Last updated: 2011-04-27

Credits: User Jorgejesus

Workflow Polygon buffer - Using pyWPS (1)

Basic example on how to integrate a Web Processing Service (WPS) using  PyWPS's WSDL/SOAP The workflow will accept a GML file with featureCollection where polyon is described using gml:coordinate element structure. This GMl is easely generated with GDAL. The coodinate structure will be converted to WKT and used to create a polygon using shapely, the output will be a buffer polygon with a defined width. Output polygon will replace the orginal polygon and the existing XML will be return...

Created: 2010-10-26 | Last updated: 2010-10-26

Credits: User Jorgejesus

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