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Category: Workflow User: Ingo Mierswa

Workflow Handling data and time example (1)

This process shows how date and time formats can be converted from arbitrary formats to other arbitrary formats with the operators "Nominal to Date" and "Date to Nominal".

Created: 2011-11-28

Workflow Plotting Training vs Testing Error (Loop +... (1)

This process increases the parameter C of a support vector machine and hence also the risk for overfitting. It uses an outer loop operator for increasing the parameter value and an inner log operator for storing the current number of applications together with the current errors on the training and the testing data set. At the end of the process, the log data can be plotted (for example with the plotter "Scatter Multiple" with "Count" on the x-axis and both "Training Error" and "Testing Error...

Created: 2011-08-15

Workflow Iterate over Attribute Subsets and Store A... (1)

This process iterates over all possible feature subsets and stores a) the names of all attribute subsets, b) the number of used features, and c) the achieved performance in a log table which can then be further analyzed.

Created: 2011-07-07

Workflow Trim and Replace White Space (1)

This process removed leading and trailing white spaces from an attribute and replaces inner white spaces of any type by a single space. Might be useful for text processing (if you are not using tokenization anyway...)

Created: 2011-07-07

Workflow Create Linear Combinations (1)

This process creates new attributes based on all combinations of coefficients for two attributes, i.e. it produces all linear combinations c1 * att1 + c2 * att2 by looping through a set of possible values for c1 and c2 and all their different combinations.

Created: 2011-04-08

Workflow Rocchio (1)

This process calculates the average values for all attributes grouped by the class (label). The resulting prototypes or centroids are then used for a nearest neighbor model which is applied again on the full data set for demonstration purposes.

Created: 2011-02-28

Workflow Count co-occurences in matrix with Aggrega... (1)

The process counts and shows all combinations of values of two attributes and shows them in a count matrix. The process uses the operators Aggregate and Pivot for this purpose.

Created: 2011-01-15

Workflow Using R to add two columns (1)

This process shows a simple R script which adds two columns of a data set with R. Of course this is much simpler by using the operator "Generate Attributes" which is done in parallel, but maybe some of you find this short process helpful in order to get started with R.

Created: 2010-12-10 | Last updated: 2010-12-10

Workflow Automatical Disabling / Enabling of Operat... (1)

This meta process shows another possibility for automatically optimizing the process layout. The operator "OperatorEnabler" can be used to enable or disable one of its children. Together with one of the parameter optimization operators this can be used to check which operators should be used for optimal results. This is especially useful in order to determine which preprocessing operators should be used for a particular data set - learner combination or if you want to automatically test diffe...

Created: 2010-10-13

Workflow Extended Operations for Nominal Values (1)

This process shows examples for the extended operations for nominal values coming with one of the next RapidMiner updates (5.0.011 or 5.1.000). The operations are performed with the operator "Generate Attributes" and can be used directly within the expressions for the new attributes. The supported functions include Number to String [str(x)], String to Number [parse(text)], Substring [cut(text, start, length)], Concatenation [concat(text1, text2, text3...)], Replace [replace(text, what, by)],...

Created: 2010-10-05

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