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Showing 23 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.
Category: Workflow Type: RapidMiner User: Simon Fischer

Workflow RCOMM 2011 Challenge 1: Hobbit Genealogy (1)

This is a solution for Challenge 1 of the a live data mining process design competition "Who Wants to be a Data Miner" held at RCOMM 2011 in Dublin. As you certainly know, Balbo Baggins is the common ancestor of Balbo and Frodo Baggins. The file opened by the operator "Open Ancestor" contains a table with details about parentship in the Baggins family (insert a breakpoint after read CSV). Each example contains a parent and a child. Of course, the same parent can be contai...

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Workflow POSTing CSV file to RapidAnalytics Web ser... (1)

This is the second demo process used in the RapidAnalytics video on creating Web services. This process is the actual scoring process and used the model generated by the first process. The first input must be a CSV blob in the repository. Once the process is exposed as a Web service in RapidAnalytics, this input will be replaced by the body of the HTTP POST request.

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Workflow POSTing CSV file to RapidAnalytics Web ser... (1)

This is the first demo used in the RapidAnalytics video on creating Web services. It downloads three data sets provided by and generates a regression model and stores it as "RegressionTree" in the repository.

Created: 2011-11-02

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 3: Fibonacci Numbers (Inte... (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the original solution I had in mind for Challenge 2: "Fibonacci Numbers". It defines a macro n, recurses by applying itself using an "Embed Process" operator on n-1 and n-2, appends the results (so the length is F(n-1)...

Created: 2010-09-17 | Last updated: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 3: Fibonacci Numbers (Impr... (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 2: "Fibonacci Numbers" by Matko Bošnjak. This was the task: The n-th Fibonacci number is F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2), and F(0)=0, F(1)=1. Create a process that creates an example set with F(n)...

Created: 2010-09-17 | Last updated: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 2: "Broken Iris" by Nico Piatkowski. This was the task: You are given a decision tree model (M) designed on the well-known Iris data set and unlabelled data (U) on which the model is t...

Created: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris (Preparation) (1)

This workflow creates the input for the RCOMM 2010 Challenge 2. The solution and description are in workflow "RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris"

Created: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 1: 99 bottles of beer (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 1: "99 bottles of beer" by Sebastian Land. This was the task: Design a process that produces an example set the rows of which form the lyrics of the well-known song "99 bottles of beer...

Created: 2010-09-17

Workflow Cross tabulation via aggregation and pivoting (1)

Creates a contingency table using the Aggregate and Pivot operators.

Created: 2010-08-25 | Last updated: 2010-08-25

Workflow Optimizing Discretization (1)

This process generates a decision tree on the Iris data set. Before the decision tree is generated, the input attributes are discretised so we only work on nominal attributes. We use a combination of "Select Subprocess" and "Optimize Parameters" to select the best out of five different discretizazion methods independently for each of the attributes. The process shows, that the resulting accuracy heavily depends on the choice of the method. It varies between 64% and 94%.

Created: 2010-06-18 | Last updated: 2010-06-18

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