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Category: Workflow Tag: beanshell User: Stian Soiland-Reyes

Workflow Dummy example of looping (3)

Example of looping over asynchronous services. The dummy beanshell scripts represents the operations of an asynchronous submit-status-results style service, such as EBI's InterProScan and NCBI Blast. createJob creates a temporary file with the content "0". Filename retuirned as a "job ID". checkStatus reads the job, and return state "RUNNING" as long as the content is less than 10, increasing the number for each call. (As no actual job is being run) getResults reads the file content, with...

Created: 2010-01-27 | Last updated: 2013-10-08

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Workflow Merge list of errors to string (2)

Based on The beanshell scripts collectively builds a temporary file of the merged string (by default using newline as separator). As each item is appended to the file separately by Write_text_append, this means it can handle occassional errors in the list, such as in the output from Sometimes_fails. Such items are not included in the merged string. To use, merge with your workflow and delete "Create_Lots_if_Strings", "Sometimes_Fai...

Created: 2011-09-13 | Last updated: 2011-09-13

Workflow XML-RPC example current time (1)

Using Apache ws-xmlrpc from Beanshell scripts to call - see To use, download the JARs from (ie. ) - unzip and put into Taverna's home directory lib/ folder. Right-click on the Beanshell script and check the "Dependencies" tab to check that all JARs have been ticked off (minimum required: ws-common-util.jar, xmlrpc-client.jar and x...

Created: 2011-08-11 | Last updated: 2011-08-11

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes

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