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- Significant changes to Biomart filters and attributes! Please check your workflows!
Site Announcement: Significant changes to Biomart filters and attributes! Please check your workflows!
Significant changes to Biomart filters and attributes! Please check your workflows!
Created: Monday 04 August 2008 15:48:55 (UTC)
There have been changes to existing attributes and filters in Biomart release 50.
The complete list is below.
If your Biomart query uses any of the changes below please update your workflow accordingly.
- means GONE
- 3utr_end
- 3utr_start
- 5utr_end
- 5utr_start
- cdna_length
- constitutive
- gene_chrom_end
+ end_position
- gene_chrom_start
+ start_position
- gene_stable_id
+ ensembl_gene_id
- ensembl_cdna_length
- ensembl_cds_length
- ensembl_peptide_length
- exon_cdna_end
- exon_cdna_start
- exon_cds_end
- exon_cds_start
- exon_chrom_strand
+ strand
- exon_coding_end
- exon_coding_start
- family
- family_description
- feat_chr_end
- feat_chr_name
- feat_chr_start
- feature_set
- feature_type
- feature_value
- str_chrom_name
- chromosome_name
- struct_biotype
- biotype
- struct_description
+ description
- struct_external_gene_id
- struct_family
- struct_transcript_count
- transcript_count
- transcript_chrom_end
- transcript_chrom_start
- transcript_chrom_strand
- transcript_display_id
+ ensembl_transcript_id
+ ensembl_peptide_id
- type
- unified_uniprot
- unified_uniprot_accession
- uniprot_varsplic_id
- evidence_code
- go
+ go_biological_process_id
+ go_cellular_component_id
+ go_molecular_function_id
- go_description
+ go_bilogical_process_linkage_type
+ go_cellular_component_linkage_type
+ go_molecular_functions_linkage_type
- *species*_external_db
- *species*_external_id
- *species*_dn_ds
- with_3utr
- with_5utr
- biol_process
+ go_biol_process_filters
- cell_component
+ go_cell_location_filters (fix this name in 51) < evidence_code
+ go_mol_function_filters
- evidence_code_biol_process
+ go_biol_process_evidence_code
- evidence_code_cell_component
+ go_cell_location_evidence_code (fix this name in 51)
- constitutive
- exon_stable_id
+ ensembl_exon_id
- external_db_name
- transcript_stable_id
- translation_stable_id
Linked Data
Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/announcements/17
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