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Items tagged with "upi" (5)

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Workflows (5)

Workflow getUPIForSequence workflow (2)

Given a sequence retrieve the UPI (UniProt Archive (UniParc)) identifier.

Created: 2008-06-06 | Last updated: 2008-06-06

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow EBI_PICR_Sequence_to_UniParc_and_InterPro (2)

Given a protein sequence get some information about it: Does this protein sequence occur in any of the protein databases (e.g. UniProtKB, PDB, etc.). Using the PICR web service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/picr/) map the sequence to a UniParc identifer. Which entries in the protein databases have this sequence. Using the UniParc database (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/uniprot/database/DBDescription.html#uniparc) a summary of the databases and the entries in those databases which have this s...

Created: 2008-06-08 | Last updated: 2008-06-08

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Attributions: Workflow EBI_dbfetch_UniParc Workflow EBI_Fetch_InterPro_Matches_UniParc Workflow EBI_PICR_Sequence_to_ID

Workflow EBI_PICR_Sequence_to_ID (1)

Map a protein sequence to the known identifiers of identical sequences. Uses the EBI's PICR web service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/picr/) to perform the mapping.

Created: 2008-06-08

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow EBI_dbfetch_UniParc (1)

From a list of UniParc entry identifers get the complete entries using the EBI's WSDbfetch service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/dbfetch).

Created: 2008-06-08

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow EBI_Fetch_InterPro_Matches_UniParc (1)

For a UniParc (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/uniprot/database/DBDescription.html#uniparc) identifier/accession fetch the assocated InterPro Matches from SRS@EBI (see http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/srsbin/cgi-bin/wgetz?-page+LibInfo+-lib+IPRMC_UNIPARC).

Created: 2008-06-08

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/836

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