Tag Results

Items tagged with "yeast" (4)

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Files (1)

Blob ONDEX Graph from the Yeast Jamboree SBML

Created: 2009-02-10 10:51:58 | Last updated: 2009-02-10 12:48:52

Credits: User Paul Dobson

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The oxl file represents in ONDEX the SBML reconstruction of yeast metabolism produced in the "Jamboree", as described in the following paper.   PMID 18846089 A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology. Nature Biotechnology. 2008 Oct;26(10):1155-60. Herrgård MJ, Swainston N, Dobson P, Dunn WB, Arga KY, Arvas M, Blüthgen N, Borger S, Costenoble R, Heinemann M, Hucka M, Le Novère N, Li P, Lieb...

File type: GNU Zip Archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 617 times | Downloaded: 53 times


Packs (1)

Pack Systematic integration of experimental data and mode...

Created: 2010-03-25 20:31:36 | Last updated: 2010-03-26 17:23:44

 A pack of workflows for the construction, parameterisation, optimisation and simulation of SBML models.

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 65 times | Downloaded: 0 times


Workflows (2)

Workflow Construction of skeleton SBML model using ... (1)

This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given list of yeast enzymes ORF numbers

Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26

Credits: User Peter Li


Workflow Construction of skeleton SBML model using ... (1)

This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given subsystem term.

Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26

Credits: User Peter Li

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/556

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