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Items tagged with "cdk" (15)

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Groups (1)

Network-member Cheminformatics

Unique name: cheminformatics
Created: Thursday 04 December 2008 21:18:56 (UTC)

Workflows in the area of cheminformatics, for example, using ChemSpider or PubChem webservices, or using cheminformatics plugins like CDK-Taverna.

11 shared items   |   0 announcements


Packs (1)

Pack Natural product likeness filter

Created: 2011-05-13 19:35:39 | Last updated: 2011-08-29 14:25:47

Reference: Natural Product-likeness Score and Its Application for Prioritization of Compound Libraries Peter Ertl,* Silvio Roggo, and Ansgar Schuffenhauer Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland http://peter-ertl.com/reprints/Ertl-JCIM-48-68-2008.pdf    The natural product likeness scorer implemented by Peter Ertl was originally devised to screen large compound libraries for natural product likeness in drug designing studies. His work...

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 199 times | Downloaded: 90 times


Workflows (13)

Workflow /me is having Bioclipse/XMPP/RDF fun.js (1)

Bioclipse script that combines RDF (DBPedia), XMPP cloud services, and local CDK functionality to gain some information on Farnesol in Bioclipse.

Created: 2009-08-21

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Visualize Molecules from DBPedia as Molecu... (3)

Downloads entries from DBPedia which have a SMILES and creates a molecule table with 2D structures of the hits found with SPARQL.

Created: 2010-03-14

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Determine the Maximum Common SubStructure ... (1)

BSL script to determine the maximum common substructure (MCSS) of a list of molecules and opens this in a JChemPaint editor.

Created: 2009-10-23

Credits: User Egon Willighagen


Workflow Generate Atom Signatures of molecules give... (1)

Reference: Natural Product-likeness Score and Its Application for Prioritization of Compound Libraries Peter Ertl,* Silvio Roggo, and Ansgar Schuffenhauer Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland http://peter-ertl.com/reprints/Ertl-JCIM-48-68-2008.pdf    The natural product likeness scorer implemented by Peter Ertl was originally devised to screen large compound libraries for natural product likeness in drug designing studies. His work is re...

Created: 2011-05-13 | Last updated: 2011-05-13

Credits: User Kalai


Workflow Scoring small molecules for metabolite lik... (2)

 Prerequisite:   - CDK -Taverna Plugin 0.5.1 http://www.ts-concepts.de/cdk-taverna2/plugin/ - To run this workflow the atom_signatures file of Natural product(NP), Synthetic Molecules(SM) and query structures are needed - This could be generated from GenerateAtomSignatures.t2flow http://www.myexperiment.org/workflows/2120/download?version=1   Description of input ports : NP_file: needs precomputed Atom_signatures of desired Natural product structu...

Created: 2011-05-13 | Last updated: 2012-03-18

Credits: User Kalai


Workflow Plotting distribution of natural product l... (1)

 Prerequisite:  CDK -Taverna Plugin 0.5.1 http://www.ts-concepts.de/cdk-taverna2/plugin/ - To run this workflow you need a Score file which is written to text file.  - This could be generated from ScorerActivity.t2flow http://www.myexperiment.org/workflows/2121/download?version=1   Description of input ports : score_file: Path to file name that has pre computed scores. Note: While passing file as input it could be passed as list of many files or single fi...

Created: 2011-05-13 | Last updated: 2011-05-13

Credits: User Kalai

Workflow Create a molecules table from a list of IU... (1)

 Scripts that uses OPSIN to convert IUPAC names into chemical structures, which are saved as SD file and openend in the Bioclipse molecules table.

Created: 2011-05-25 | Last updated: 2011-05-25

Credits: User Egon Willighagen


Workflow 13C NMR spectra prediction (2)

This workflow can be used to predict the 13C NMR spectra of a molecule. The generation of the structure of the molecule is done using the IUPAC to Structure node that uses OPSIN to convert the name of the molecule to a structure. Alternativelly, one can read the structure from a file. The spectra prediction is based on the NMRShiftDB implementation and the data used is also from NMRShiftDB. The atom topological environments were represented as Atom Signatures and used to calculate the checmia...

Created: 2012-07-26 | Last updated: 2012-08-10

Credits: User Ldpf

Workflow Find isotopes with a certain exact match (1)

This script lists all isotopes matching a certain exact mass (given a certain error) and outputs the symbol, atomic number, and exact match of the search hits.

Created: 2013-07-30 | Last updated: 2013-07-31

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Extracts metabolites from GPML pathway fil... (1)

Extracts metabolites from a collection of GPML pathway files downloaded from WikiPathways, and opens structures with IUPAC names in a molecules table, using the CDK and OPSIN.

Created: 2013-08-16

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Find Labels in WikiPathways that are IUPAC... (1)

This scripts parses a directory with WikiPathways GPML files. For each "label" it checks if the label contains an IUPAC name (using OPSIN), calculated the InChIKey (using JNI-InChI/CDK), and looks up a ChemSpider identifiers (using the ChemSpider web service).

Created: 2013-08-20

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Workflow Finding nodes in Anopheles gambiae pathway... (1)

Groovy script to find Anopheles g. metabolites encoded as GPML <Label> with OPSIN and provide ChemSpider identifiers.

Created: 2014-08-24

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Attributions: Workflow Extracts metabolites from GPML pathway files downloaded from WikiPathways

Workflow Finding nodes in Homo sapiens pathways wit... (1)

Groovy script to find Homo sapiens metabolites encoded as GPML <Label> with OPSIN and provide ChemSpider identifiers. The results are stored in a report file.

Created: 2014-09-01

Credits: User Egon Willighagen

Attributions: Workflow Finding nodes in Anopheles gambiae pathways with IUPAC names

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/1196

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