Content from the BioSemantics group

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Type: Taverna 2 Tag: text mining

Workflow Prioritize gene list for the Cure game (1)

This workflow prioritizes a gene list according to its association with the 'concept_id'. Here we are prioritizing a gene list against breast cancer, in order to try to beat Barney in the game The Cure ( Note: Before running this workflow the gene names supplied in the game first needs to be mapped to Entrez gene identifiers. This can be done using either this workflow or a by performing a search in the NCBI Entrez gene d...

Created: 2015-04-29

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Prioritize gene list

Workflow Get concept suggestions from term (1)

This workflow suggests concept ids that match the query term. The user can run this workflow with any term of interest as for example "human", "htt", "Transcription" etc, and will get suggestions for concept ids together with descriptions. Then can choose the concept id that matches the best to her/his needs and use it to the rest of the CPA workflows.

Created: 2015-02-18

Credits: User Eelke van der Horst User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Get concept suggestions from term

Workflow Match concept to HPO profiles (1)

This workflow matches a query concept to the list of Human Phenotypes. The Human Phenotypes are the subset of the Human Phenotype Ontology for which we have a mapped UMLS concept available and a concept profile. HPO-UMLS mapping: Winnenburg, R., & Bodenreider, O. (2014). Coverage of Phenotypes in Standard Terminologies. In Proceedings of the ISMB’2014 SIG meeting “BioLINK.” Retrieved from Concept Profile Database: July 2012

Created: 2014-10-20

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow Match concept profiles Workflow Get concept information

Workflow Annotate a gene list with disease concepts (1)

Purpose: Currently, this workflow takes a list of genes and a concept set as input, calculates the matching score between these and finds the concept that contributes the most to the match. Author comments: The workflow is in Beta stage. It runs, but needs more testing with different parameter settings. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: for functional gene annotation and knowledge discovery.

Created: 2013-02-06

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow SNPs to Concept Set through Concept Profile Matching v2

Workflow Match concept profiles (6)

Purpose of workflow: The workflow can be used to match a set of concept profiles with another set of concept profiles. Result: A list of concepts ordered by their match to the query concept profiles.

Created: 2011-12-02 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Marco Roos User Kristina Hettne User Martijn Schuemie User Reinout van Schouwen

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