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Showing 4 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.
Type: Galaxy Tag: rna-seq Licence: by-sa

Workflow Compute and correct GC bias in NGS data (1)

Galaxy workflow based on deepTools which will compute and correct GC bias in your NGS data. For more information please see the deepTools wiki. This workflow is also available via the Galaxy Tool Shed.

Created: 2014-04-03

Credits: User Björn Grüning

Workflow Heatmap of read coverages (single BAM file) (1)

Galaxy workflow based on deepTools which creates a clustered heatmap of the read coverage. One BAM file will be used as input and a heatmap will be the output.For more information please see the deepTools wiki. This workflow is also available via the Galaxy Tool Shed.

Created: 2014-04-03

Credits: User Björn Grüning

Workflow Heatmap of read coverages (1)

Galaxy workflow based on deepTools which creates a clustered heatmap of the read coverage. Two BAM files will be used as input and a heatmap will be the output.For more information please see the deepTools wiki. This workflow is also available via the Galaxy Tool Shed.

Created: 2014-04-03

Credits: User Björn Grüning

Workflow Clustered heatmap of signals around the TSSs (1)

Galaxy workflow based on deepTools which creates a clustered heatmap of signals around the TSS. One bigwig file is needed as input with the signal and an annotation file with your TSS regions. The output will be a heatmap. You can create such a bigwig file with the bamCorrelate toolFor more information please see the deepTools wiki. This workflow is also available via the Galaxy Tool Shed.

Created: 2014-04-03 | Last updated: 2014-04-03

Credits: User Björn Grüning

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