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Tag: filter

Workflow find events in xray and radio (7)

instruments: hessiEC, phoenix2 attention: hessi name has changed!

Created: 2010-03-16 | Last updated: 2010-03-16

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Split text/string into its lines and filte... (2)

When retrieving a URL or soemthing alike, one can often identify the region of interest as a single line. Besides the expected output, also some interim values, like the lines split are forwarded, to allow some straight-forward cascading of filters with reduced redundancy.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Steffen Möller

Project Biovel

Workflow Bioclim workflow (6)

This workflow takes as input a file containing species occurrence points to create a model with the openModeller Web Service using the Bioclim algorithm. Environmental layers and mask are selected during the workflow. Points are filtered so that only environmentally unique points are used to create the model. You can use this workflow to either filter a set of species occurrence points excluding redundant points with the same environmental conditions (you can get the result in the output "se...

Created: 2013-09-02 | Last updated: 2015-04-04

Credits: User Renato De Giovanni Network-member BioVeL

Workflow SubGraph Filter (2)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph to return a new ondex sub-graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ConceptID - The root concept to start at. Valid value range is 1 to 2147483647. FirstRelationType - RelationType limitation for depth 1 (Optional). FirstConceptClass - C...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Genomic Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a chromosomal region, or QTL region. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ContextID - The Concept ID of the Context (Chromosome). From - The start position on the chromosome, e.g. 100. To - The stop pos...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow CV Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a controlled vocabulary specified by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph with only those concepts that passed the filter. The parameters that can be used with this service graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. CV - A CV to include/exclude Concepts and Relations of (see Exclude param). R...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Clean GO Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph, by cleaning up any GO terms within the Graph (?). The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Unconnected Filter (1)

This workflow removes any unconnected nodes from a given Ondex graph through filtering, and returns a new Ondex Graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. RemoveContextDependencies - Set true to remove context dependencies, otherwise unconnected concepts will still remain in the ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Tranitive Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph to extract a sub-graph. The result is a new Ondex graph containing only the transitive sub-graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. CV - Seed cv that will be used to extract the subgraph (Optional). AttributeName - Seed attribute name that will be us...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Significance Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a level of significance set by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetAttributeName - Target AttributeName to filter for significance. Significance - A significance value to filter relatio...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

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